Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT)

HBOT is used to treat some medical conditions. The treatment takes place in a chamber that you can see out of. Your doctor will evaluate your wound and decide if hyperbaric wound care is for you.

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Diabetic Wounds and Foot Ulcers

Diabetes is a chronic disease. It requires medical attention. The patient must also manage the disease. You may get a wound that may not heal. A wound may not heal from infection, poor blood flow and problem with nerves. These symptoms take time to notice.

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Heart Disease

Heart Disease

1 in 2 Americans suffer from a cardiovascular disease. Coronary artery disease, peripheral artery disease and other issues with the heart and vessels can cause blockages that obstruct the flow of blood.

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Foot Wounds

Foot Wounds

Nearly 7 million Americans are living with a chronic wound, and the feet and lower legs are at the greatest risks.

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Skin Care and Wound Healing

Check your skin daily for dryness, cracks, sores, bruises, reddened areas, and blisters. Have someone help you or check for you if you are unable to do it yourself. Treat the skin gently without stretching, tugging or pulling on it unnecessarily.

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Venous Insufficiency

Venous insufficiency is caused by veins in the legs that do not work right. This means that fluid can build up in your lower legs. It makes your legs swell. It can stretch the skin like an oversized balloon.

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Radiation Related Injuries

After surviving cancer, many patients who received radiation therapy have underlying complications that may not cause symptoms for up to 20 years after their treatment.

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Skin Perfusion Pressure Test

Your physician has suggested you have a test to assess the small blood vessels in your feet and legs. There are two different tests that can do this; Skin Perfusion Pressure Test (SPP) and Transcutaneous Oximetry Test (TcPO2).

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